Poem Analysis Example

“The Road not Taken” is an analogy discussing about a person who made an important, but irreversible decision of life in the past. The poem symbolizes how that person (the speaker) chose the risky decision that has a large impact in that person’s life. In fact, later the person feel uncertain if the decision was right. The “yellow wood” depicts the condition of carefulness and privacy. The decision that the speaker made particularly talks about a long-term private life decision.

The speaker uses the color yellow to show that he is very careful in choosing the options as yellow is a color usually used in caution sign and traffic light as a warning for people to be careful. Also, “Wood” or forest is indeed an isolated area. “The diverged road” takes place in a wood explaining how the decision relates to the private and isolated part of the speaker’s life. In fact, this decision is actually irreversible. The last two lines of the third stanza tells that the speaker finally began to realize that he cannot go back to this condition facing the same choices again. Yet” refers to the word “nevertheless” tell how the speaker does finally change the way s/he think. In addition, the world “doubt” shows uncertainty of the speaker and as whole states that the speaker is no longer willing to come back. Furthermore, there are some metaphors illustrating how the speaker wants to be different by the taking unusual choice. In fact, in a confident tone, the speaker “took the one less traveled”. When a road less travelled, it means that only few people want to pass there, whether because it is terrible or too hard to be passed.

However, the poem also tries to tell that it is actually so hard for the speaker to finally make his/her decision. S/he, in a regretful tone, feels sorry that s/he cannot manage to have them both explained his/her statement “ sorry, I could not travel both. ” S/he uses the word sorry as a symbol of regret. In fact, the speaker thinks that both options are “as just fair” showing that both of the choices are actually desirable. Indeed, even though he has chosen a decision, he is still thinking of taking the other decision in the future.

Finally, after a long period of time, interpreted in ”somewhere ages and ages hence”, the poem represents the moment when the speaker starts to regret his choice in the past. Ages, especially with repetition, emphasized many years or long period of time. “Telling with a sigh” emphasizes the expression of regret more than that the expression of relief. The speaker says, “I-I took the one”. People start to repeat words when they are nervous. In this case, it is seems that the speaker is no longer regard his choice in the past is a correct one.

The speaker at first was so careful in making the important decision and wants to be different in making it since s/he knew that s/he could not go back. Practically, the speaker did also attracted the other option and unfortunately, regret his/her final decision at last. The speaker decides an unusual choices which unfortunately regretful in the end. “The Road not Taken” is an analogy discussing about a person making an important, but irreversible decision in how he will become in the future.

The poem (1st to 3rd stanza) symbolizes how that speaker (the person) meet two hard choices in chasing his important life decision and finally choose the risky decision that has a large impact in that person’s future life. In fact, later the speaker feels uncertain if the decision is right (4th stanza). It is interpreted that the options are both attractive and have an almost similar characteristic. The poem tries to tell that it is not easy for the speaker to make the decision.

It is explained in his/her statement “ sorry, I could not travel both” as “sorry” connotes the expression of regret. It implicitly explains that the speaker actually wants to take them both. “As just fair” also shows that both of the options are actually desirable. However, in the two last lines of the third stanza, it becomes more obvious for the speaker that s/he definitely cannot have them both in her/his life. “Yet knowing how way leads on to way” relates to the shift of mood of the speaker after s/he really understands where the choices will bring her/him.

By saying “ I doubted if I should ever come back”, the speaker feels more certain that he will never have the chance to choose again. The “yellow wood” depicts the condition of carefulness and privacy. The speaker uses the color yellow to show that s/he is very careful in deciding how s/he will be in the future. Yellow is interpreted as a color used for warning people to be careful as yellow is often used in caution signs and traffic light. Wood literally talks about small forest but emphasizes on the existence of larges trees surrounding it.

Thus, “wood” represents an isolated area relating to the private and isolated part of the speaker’s life. In addition, in a confident tone, the speaker “took the one less traveled” which means that only few of people want to pass there. Furthermore, there are some metaphors illustrating how the speaker wanted to be different by that taking unusual choice. For instance, the speaker talks about “grassy” road which and “in leaves no step had trodden black” which connote that the “road” he is taking is rarely stepped by people.

When a road is seldom traveled, grass starts to grow. Finally the consequence of the decision shows up after a long period of time, shown in ”somewhere ages and ages hence”. Ages, especially with repetition, emphasized many years or long period of time. The poem finally represents a shift of tone when the speaker no longer believes in his choice in the past. “Telling with a sigh” emphasizes the expression of regret more than that the expression of relief since it is followed by the speaker saying, “I-I took the one”.

People start to repeat words when they are nervous. In this case, the speaker is no longer regard his choice in the past is a correct one. In summary, this poem tells about how the speaker makes an important long -term decision. The speaker at first is so careful in making the decision of life since it relates to his/her personal life. Also, the options are both attractive which harden the speaker. At the end, the speaker decides an unusual choices which unfortunately regretful in the end.

Debt Versus Equity Paper

Debt Versus Equity Financing Paper Acc/400 Debt Versus Financing Paper A company has a couple of basic ways to finance the business; debt financing and equity financing. This paper will define debt and equity financing and provide examples of both. Of both of these it will be identified as to which way has more advantages and why. Debt Financing Debt financing can be defined as obtaining capitol through borrowing money that has to be repaid over a length of time with interest.

Examples of this type of financing are selling bonds, bills or notes to individuals or investors. In return for the lending the money individuals or investors become the creditors and have an agreement that the principal and interest will be paid back. Some other examples of debt financing are Small Business Administration loans, line of credit, and real estate mortgages. Equity Financing Equity financing is defined by obtaining capitol through selling common stock or preferred stock to individuals or investors.

In return for the money paid shareholders get ownership interests in the corporation. An example of equity financing is selling shares of stock in the company. Advantages Some advantages to equity financing are; you can use your cash and that of your investors when you start up your business for all the start-up costs, instead of getting a loan having to make loan payments right out the start of the business. Also if the business fails there is no repayment of the investor’s contribution. Another advantage is that the owner may be able to et additional help with the business through the knowledge, wisdom, and resources from the investors. Some disadvantages to equity financing are; using investor’s money will mean they will actually own a piece of your business. Investors will have some control of the business depending on how money they invest. As an owner this is something to be aware of and think about how much control you are actually willing to give up. Another disadvantage is deciding whether to make the company’s securities available to only a few investors or making it a complete open public trade.

Since the owner is expected to act in the investor’s best interest a decision will have to be made on how widely the owner wants to open up the business investments. Some advantages to debt financing are; not having to give up control of the business to investors. Obtaining a business or a personal loan, using personal money, credit cards or even getting support from friends and family to start up your business will allow the owner to have the money need to start up the business and not have to give up control of the business because money from investors was accepted and agreed.

Some other advantages are the interest repaid on the loan is tax deductible, you don’t have to share the profits with the lender, and applying for a loan through the Small Business Administration will get the company better terms that are costumed for small businesses. Some disadvantages to debt financing are; having to make payments during the start-up phase of the business. This can be risky, because sometimes in the start-up phase profits can be low and there is a chance that not enough profit was generated to make the payments.

Some other points to consider are; depending on the terms of the loan, personal assets may have been used and are at risk of being turned over to the bank if the company is unable to make payments as well as ensuring the company is not at a high risk for bankruptcy if the company uses too much debt financing. Conclusion Deciding which type of financing would best fit the business really depends on the situation at the time of start-up. There are several factors that weigh into this decision. Some factors are the owner’s financial position, the potential investor’s financial position, the owners credit standing, the usiness plan, if the owner has any tax issues and if the potential investors have any tax issues. Other law essays on this theme you will find Depending on all the factors stated above, the possibility of having a mixture of both types of financing may work better for the company versus streamlining it to just one type of financing. References Debt and Equity Financing – Advantages and Disadvantages Debt vs. Equity Financing: Which Is the Best Way for Your Business to Access Capital? | NFIB Debt vs. Equity — Advantages and Disadvantages – Small Business

Online Reservation System Existing Problem

CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Existing System Overview ?The customer contact the agency through the telephone or by visiting the office ? The reservation officer log in to ABACUS/AMADEUS (GDS) ?The reservation officer starts using CRS ?Getting the tour preferences (departure & arrival dates, number of persons, etc. ) and profile information of the customer ? Booking depends on the destination & departure dates ?Review/recap of the purchase ?Confirmation of the booking ?Receive payment from client ?Ticket is given to the client ?Print receipt Statement of the Problem General Problem How to create an online reservation system for Sole Destinations Travel & Tours? Specific Problem •How to create a system that will reduce the time consumed and error in the reservation system? •How to create a system that will reduce the operational cost of the company? •How to improve the productivity and increase in sales of the company? Objectives of the Study General Objectives ?To make an online reservation system for the customers of Sole Destinations Travel & Tours. Specific Objectives •To create a system that will reduce the time consumed and error in the reservation process. To create a system that that will reduce the operational cost of the company. •To improve the productivity and increase in sales of the company. Scope •Reservation by the customer is available online by filling up the reservation form. •Customer can also make a reservation through phone or by walk-in. •Customer can reschedule his schedule. Limitation •The system is through online. •Customer can only pay in bank account of BDO & Western Union. •The customer message will be sent thru the e-mail of the customer within 24 hours.

Cultural Identity

Cultural identity is what I see myself as, positively or negatively. The way I see things and my judgement is varied by my own personal identity. This is the combination, result of many factors. Like physical appearances and environment, cultural background, gender, etc. My personal identity should be changing everyday, every moment by the building up of my intelligence and experiences. In the earlier stage, my personal identity is solely from my parents. This includes: heredity, culture background and the environment. As I have grown older, fewer influences have come from my parents but more from my friends, peers and teachers.

Due to the fact most people want a place to belong to (not necessary be a location), and want to have friends, we’ll sometimes alter our decision and benefits to just fit into a group. When getting into the middle age, the biggest influences will probably come from your work, religion and friends still. Although religion is a big factor throughout your life I believe. As you can see friends plays a very big part in everyone’s life. Personal identity plays a major part in my quest for self-knowledge, but its up to me to choose my own identity.

God created all men equally, but it is up to us to determine whom we ultimately want to be. For hundreds of years, people have been immigrating to the United States in search of freedom, better living and the fulfillment of the American dream. Being an American means to uphold values of independence, responsibility and freedom. America is a huge melting pot of all different cultures, races, ethnicities, etc. Having an American culture is one of the most unique experiences you can ever have. You can literally travel thirty miles and be in a totally different culture area. America represents the “New World. Where immigrants can do things they had thought beyond their capabilities. That reason is why we find there is this great mix of backgrounds, and why America has been called the Melting Pot of cultures. A large part of American history involves the struggle of ethnic groups against the mainstream population in order to obtain respect and independence. In these days, with the varying backgrounds of American residents, this status can no longer be defined with skin color. Although I have to admit that being white on the mainland of America had more benefits than being white when I lived in Hawaii.

I got to feel a little bit of how the African American population was looked at sixty years ago. I was looked at the way African Americans were. Being male for me is just that being male. By being male I have the benefits of males and the disadvantages of being male. I however am very glad to be male. As a male I see the world in a more completive way. The generation I was born into has a lot to do with my culture background. Being born in 1988 influences you differently than being in born in the 70’s or 60’s. I was born in California, moved to Georgia then Hawaii and now Washington.

Just those four states alone have completely different culture and regional backgrounds much less the cities within them. My dad left me before I was born and my mom choose her boyfriends over me it seemed like. All it ever felt like there was, was me. This also goes into my history of who has made up my family. I don’t know of my history of my family besides what ethnicities I am. How can I know the history when I don’t even know most of the present. This affects you world view and how you communicate with people. Your manners and respect towards adult and family may be different from someone from china.

Religion was never an important aspect in my life until I found a certain little all African American church. The way the celebrated was communication in itself. I have tried to carry religion into my cultural aspect of life but it is not high on my list. Community and friends however has always been important. I am always talking and getting to know people and learn new things culturally. A person can have pride in his own culture and still respect and adept parts of another. This is the essential principle behind America: holding on to one’s own beliefs while learning and accepting others.

A simple example of influence of the Melting Pot in this country are the Mexican and Chinese restaurants, which are found all over the nation. Many of the foreigners that have come to the United States have managed to keep their culture and even contribute to a common American one. One single group cannot define this nation; it is all the ethnic groups and their cultures combined that make this country so unique. How you perceive the world is very dependent on your cultural from your views on how life should be lived all the way to good and evil.

A lot to do with how you grow up starts your views and perceptions then over time you kind of get and mold your own perception based on experiences and beliefs. It all starts with your childhood though. It is like your foundation of who you are. This all has to do with worldview. Worldview is often done on the unconscious level. The importance of worldview is so you can perceive reality. There are three major types of world views. Scientific which is based on rules of exact science, metaphysical worldview which is abstract reasoning and religion worldview.

People carry their culture wherever they, and that culture influences how the respond to the people they meet. In American culture individualism is the single most important cultural pattern. We pride ourselves on being unlike anyone else and yet want the same rights. So do we want the be individuals or equal? We want to be the best at everything we do. We want the nicest cars and best paying jobs. Change is usually seen as good for Americans. Progress and change is highly valued. Americans went to the moon, and are always continuing to grow in science and technology.

We seem to always think that if we do not have technology then we cannot continue to grow. We are always competitive and have learned to be this way from child birth. Death and life are very sensitive American culture. Life is something that is very valued when it comes to death but we seem to go around not caring about Verbal communication is something that is obviously done every day all day. Conversation is the most fundamental form of your expression. How long you take to think, and the way you converse all go into the culture norms.

In normal American verbal communication you should state your points clearly, explain and jargon, be careful in your use of ideas and ask question if necessary. Language is the way we reach out and converse with everyone so it is important to have certain culture norms in order for everyone to communicate. Language serves as a guide to reality. Humans tend to be both visual and verbal thinkers. We tend to say things without thinking. We use language to also try to communicate with supernatural beings trying to control supernatural forces.

It is impossible to separate language from culture. The way words are said and the pronunciation mean different things in different cultures. Low context and high context cultures very different. Americans are considered low context cultures. This means we are more interpersonal. There is a lack of common experiences. In low context verbal messages contain most of the information. In high context cultures people seem to have similar experiences and information networks. Nonverbal communication is an important component of our daily life.

Whenever people meet we will find conversation on a nonverbal level, even if it seems to be no communication at all. The diversity of nonverbal communication is huge an each individual has its own way of sending and receiving nonverbal messages. To understand the complex nonverbal behavior of people with different education, cultures or social environment this paper will provide a basic knowledge of the different elements of nonverbal communication before considering the cross-cultural aspect of the topic. Body expressions, eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions are the key points in non verbal communication.

There are certain norms such as not staring at someone to long or you might be thought of as rude or arrogant. This can be a big problem when talking to someone from a different culture. It is always good to sit up straight and have good posture. Some people think you are more educated and proper if you sit up straight. Facial expressions are always a big key because it can portray your mood and how you are feeling. You can say one thing with two different facial expressions and get two different responses based on those expressions.

We live in a world were appearance seems to be everything and first impressions can mean everything also. It is normal to wear clothes but not all of America has the same weather so someone’s appearance one place might be nice but then it might not be for another place. It is all about finding the culture norms of the place you are living at or going to. As Americans we are not a very touchy society when it comes to people we do not know. We like our own space and if someone if violating it we let them know. You have probable heard before “your in my bubble. Giving people space is something that is considered normal in America. How I have lived my life such as sports, community, jobs, religion has shaped all of my communication. Because I have played sports I am more of a confident person and the jobs I have had help me hold myself in a more professional manner. How you see yourself gets portrayed onto the other person also. If you hold your head high and think you can do anything you give of a vibe to other people. This has all shaped me into who I am and how I communicate with people of my culture and of different cultures.

If you do not know someone’s culture you cannot expect to fully be able to communicate with them. Communication is the key to our future and the key in any culture. All of these things make up the cultures that I am a part of; white, middle-class, somewhat Christian, student, youth, and relationship culture. They have all had profound impacts on me in many ways and I am continuing to grow and expand myself in many ways in and through them. Have learned from my life experiences, attributes, and abilities shape and influence my own personal identity.

English vs. Bahasa Malaysia

English vs. Bahasa Malaysia A German friend of mine once asked me why I did not use Malay as an every day language when I am Malaysian. What piqued his curiosity was when I had a Malay friend over and both of us had a conversation in flawless English. My German friend could not help but to ask us why the national language was not used. “In Germany, everybody speaks German! ” he said. And then it hit me, that in Thailand, locals speak Thai every day on almost every occasion.

In Philippines and Indonesia, people of whichever descent speak in the national language. On the contrary, my Malay friend and I are both born in Malaysia. We are both brought up in Malaysia and went through over a decade of Malaysian education. So why were we not engaging ourselves in a Malay conversation? On 31st August 1967, Malay became the national language of Malaysia and also the sole official language. The enforced use of Malay in government services and education system was to ensure the retention of Malay privileges and special rights.

However, the Government made a decision to refer to the language as Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysian Language) instead of Bahasa Malayu (Malay Language) to be more inclusive of the other ethnic groups living in Malaysia. I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with having Bahasa Malaysia as our default language. It is not news that the Malays are numerically superior to any of the other races in our society. But if the usage of the national language is one of the factors that define our identity as Malaysians, are we speaking in Bahasa Malaysia enough?

Perhaps for the sake of national unity, Malaysians are always bravely exploring the socio-cultural conundrums of our identity at a time where our atavistic beliefs collide with the incoming urgency of globalisation. It is reported that in 2010, over RM38mil was spent to promote understanding of the 1Malaysia concept which was aimed at strengthening unity among the races in the country. So let’s ask the perennial questions: Who are we as individuals and who are we as Malaysians?

And in this shiny new millennium, are we going to stay as the citizens of Malaysia or will we become citizens of the world? The truth with using the national language is that not a lot of the other races use it as often. The only time I use Bahasa Malaysia is when I need to renew my passport or licenses. English translations are already available on most forms including those found in post office and banks. In shopping malls or service centers, most people will automatically start a conversation with me in English. When I meet my friends, we chatter in English.

I have lost count of my Malay friends who grew up in the metropolis, speaking English with their family members and other Malay friends! Furthermore, it is very unusual to even see two Chinese friends speaking Bahasa Malaysia to each other; they usually speak in their native Chinese language or in English! Just a few years ago, Science and Mathematics were being taught in English. This measure was taken by the Malaysian Education Ministry to ensure that Malaysian students were up-to-date about these subjects compared to their Western counterparts.

Of course, it helps that most scientific and mathematical papers are in English. However, due to the pressure from certain political parties, the plan was cut short in order to preserve the competitiveness of the national language. Does speaking English make me any less of a Malaysian? Not as far as I am concerned. I still feel like a Malaysian. I am Malaysian first, and then Chinese second. When someone asks me about my race, I answer ‘Malaysian Chinese’ because this is the country I have grown up in even though English is my everyday language.

I am just as Malaysian as any of my friends who speak in English and their own native languages in the comfort of their own homes. I am still the biggest fan of Malaysian food and I am still a holder of MyKad, which legally certifies my nationality. And I have absolutely no qualms when it comes to anyone speaking Malay, to me or anyone else. Looking at the bigger pictures, international countries investing in Malaysia are looking for local talents who are not only able to speak in their native languages but also able to carry professional conversations in English as well.

If the usage of English is to be looked down upon simply due to cultural reverence for the Malay language, how will we fare in an increasingly globalised world where your level of English determines the success in your career? “It’s because we are 1Malaysia,” that was how I answered my German friend’s question. (795 words) REFERENCES Multilingual Mania, English or National Language? Thoughts from Malaysia, viewed 1st April 2011, Sipalan, J. , 2011, Murugiah: RM38mil spent on 1Malaysia, viewed 4th April 2011, Wikipedia, Malay Language, viewed 1st April 2011,

Ravindra Kelekar

Ravindra Kelekar (March 25, 1925 – August 27, 2010) was a noted Indian author who wrote primarily in the Konkani language, though he also wrote in Marathi and Hindi. [3] A Gandhian activist, freedom fighter and a pioneer in the modern Konkani movement, he is a well known Konkani scholar, linguist, and creative thinker. Kelkar was a participant in the Indian freedom movement, Goa’s liberation movement, and later the campaign against the merger of the newly-formed Goa with Maharashtra.

He played a key role in the founding of the Konkani Bhasha Mandal, which lead the literary campaign for the recognition of Konkani as a full-fledged language, and its reinstatement as the state language of Goa. [4] He authored nearly 100 books in the Konkani language, including Amchi Bhas Konkaneech, Shalent Konkani Kityak, Bahu-bhashik Bharatant Bhashenche Samajshastra and Himalayant, and also edited Jaag magazine for more than two decades.

Kelekar died at Apollo Hospital at Margao, Goa at around 11. 30 am on Friday August 27. He was 85. [3][5][not in citation given] His remains were cremated with State honours at his native village of Priol. [2] Kelekar received the Padma Bhushan (2008),[6][7] the Gomant Sharada Award of Kala Academy,[7] the Sahitya Akademi Award (1976),[8] and the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship (2007)—the highest award of the Sahitya Akademi, India’s National Academy of Letters. 9] He also received the 2006 Jnanpith Award,[10] the first ever awarded to an author writing in the Konkani language,[1] which was presented in July 2010. [11 Kelekar was born on March 25, 1925, in the city of Cuncolim in South Goa. [1] His father, Dr Rajaram Kelekar, was a physician who later became renowned for his Portuguese translation of the Bhagwad Gita. [7] While still a student at the Lyceum High School in Panaji, Kelekar joined the Goa liberation movement in 1946.

This brought him in close contact with several local and national leaders, including Ram Manohar Lohia, under whose influence he was able to recognize the power of language to mobilize the local populace. Later, he saw the potential in his native Konkani language, which became his lifelong work. [7] Already deeply influenced by Gandhian philosophy, in 1949 Kelekar left his native Goa for Wardha, to be with noted Gandhian and writer Kakasaheb Kalelkar.

Kelekar stayed under Kalelkar’s tutelage until 1955, when he was appointed librarian of the Gandhi Memorial Museum in New Delhi. This turned out to be short-lived, as only a year later he plunged back into the Goa freedom movement. With a mission to reconnect the Goan diaspora all over the world, he started the weekly, Gomant Bharati (1956–60),[12] published in the Roman script from Bombay. Soon after, being an active participant in Goa’s struggle for freedom, he was imprisoned by the Portuguese.

He was released when the Indian Army invaded and annexed Goa in 1961. He joined the socio-political campaign against the merger of Goa into the neighbouring Maharashtra state, which ended after the plebiscite of 1967, with Goa retaining its separate identity albeit as a union territory. Goa retained this status until 1987, when it was declared a separate state. After Goa’s independence, Kelekar took to literary activism, in the form of getting his native Konkani language its due status as an independent language, rather than as just a dialect of Marathi.

He was compared favorably with pioneers in the Konkani literary movement, such as Shenoi Goembab. [13] During this period, he wrote some of his most important works promoting the Konkani language, including Aamchi Bhas Konkanich (1962), a dialogue revealing the importance of Konkani to the common man on the street; Shallent Konkani Kityaak (1962), highlighting the significance of having Konkani medium schools in Goa; and A Bibliography of Konkani Literature in Devanagari, Roman and Kannada characters (1963). 4][14] In February 1987, the Goa Legislative Assembly had passed the Official Language Bill making Konkani the Official Language of Goa. [15] The struggle ended in 1992, when Konkani was included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution as an official language. [16] With life’s mission completed, Kelkar retired from public life, focusing mainly of his writing. [7] On February 26, 1975, the Sahitya Akademi, India’s National Academy of Letters, recognized Konkani as an independent language. citation needed] The first Sahitya Akademi Award for a work in Konkani was won by Kelekar for his travelogue, Himalayant, in 1977. [17][18][19] The Akademi’s first Translation Award in Konkani also went to Kelekar in 1990 for Ami Taankan Manshant Haadle, a Konkani translation of a collection of essays in Gujarati, Mansaeena Diva, by Jhaverchand Meghani. [20] He received the 2006 Jnanpith Award, which was the first given to a Konkani-language writer. [10] The pinnacle of his career came with the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship for lifetime achievement in 2007. 9] A lifelong proponent of regional languages, in his acceptance speech for the Jnanpith award, he said, “People have stopped reading books in regional languages. On the other hand, through English, we have created Bonsai intellectuals, Bonsai writers and Bonsai readers. “[21] When the Vishwa Konkani Sahitya Academy, an offshoot of the Konkani Language and Cultural Foundation, was set up in 2006, the first work it took up for translation was Velavaylo Dhulo, a collection of Kelekar’s essays. [22] His books have been translated into Hindi and other North Indian languages, and are used by universities.


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