The Vulnerabilities Of Small Island Developing States Environmental Sciences Essay

Small Island Developing States ( SIDS ) comprise little islands and low-lying coastal states located across the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and Caribbean Sea. While geographical, climatic, cultural and socio-economic unsimilarities exist between these states, they face common development restraints and exposures to Climate Change.

Growth and development of SIDS is restricted by factors such as limited resources, farness and volatile conditions forms. Small populations and farness besides lead to high transit and communicating costs and minimum chance to make economic systems of graduated table thereby bring oning susceptibleness to external dazes. SIDS besides by and large possesses a heavy dependance on imported crude oil merchandises. High electricity monetary values hence besides present restraints to economic and societal development attempts. Consequentially, eleven SIDS states are besides recognised by the United Nations as Least Developed Countries ( LDC ) .

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The environmental impact of human activity is progressively being recognised across the Earth. Greenhouse Gas ( GHG ) emanations mostly from the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation have significantly increased over the last half a century, taking to the Climate Change phenomenon. Diagnostic alterations in clime are already being realised, with increasing temperatures, changing rainfall forms, lifting sea-levels and increased frequence and strength of natural catastrophes doing societal, economic and environmental issues across the Earth. While SIDS provide a minimum part to planetary GHG emanations, they are amongst the most vulnerable to its effects. The size of these island provinces makes them particularly susceptible to climatic fluctuations and utmost events as big countries or even full islands can be straight affected. The eventful economic environmental and societal harm can hence be extended, without the option of intra-national alleviation. Key sector such as touristry and agribusiness are under serious menace while in some fortunes the really being of many island provinces is at hazard.

Common features of SIDS non merely heighten their susceptibleness to sing a altering clime but give them a low capacity to accommodate to such alteration. Already sing many socio-economic issues such as H2O and nutrient security, intensification of such issues due to climate alteration may do these states uninhabitable.

This paper aims to place the major exposures of SIDS to impending Climate Change and see the function that developed states should play in helping their endurance.


Across the Earth, the effects of Climate Change are already being observed, with SIDS doubtless being affected. Sea surface temperatures have been increasing by 0.1A°C per decennary in the oceans where most SIDS are located ( 45 ) , while one-year and seasonal ocean surface and island air temperatures have increased from 0.6A°C to 1.0A°C since 1910 throughout a big portion of the South Pacific ( 46 ) . Studies over the period 1971 to 2004 rich person besides suggest warming to be happening in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean parts, with tendencies runing from 0A°C to 0.5A°C per decennary ( 47 ) .

Warming sea temperatures leads to spread outing oceans and lifting sea degrees. This is a cardinal concern for SIDS with the full Pacific part sing a average rise of +0.77 mm per twelvemonth ( 53 ) , while sea-levels in the Caribbean part addition on mean by 1mm per twelvemonth. Local conditions mean there is considerable fluctuation between or even within single island provinces. For illustration, different tectonic motions across the state of Trinidad has lead to rises of about 1mm per twelvemonth along the West seashore, while the South is sing an addition of about 4mm each twelvemonth ( 54 ) .

Changing tendencies in utmost temperatures have besides been observed. The one-year figure of hot yearss and warm darks in the South Pacific and Caribbean parts has shown increasing tendencies, every bit good as a comparative lessening in the one-year figure of cool yearss and cold darks ( 48, 49 ) .

The clime of SIDS is strongly influenced by the ocean-atmospheric interactions. The El Nino Southern Oscillation and decadal variableness play a dominant function in experient periods of drouth and high rainfall and the common coevals of tropical cyclones and storms in little island parts. Climate Change is already and expected to continually heighten such utmost conditions events. Rainfall forms are going more variable. The Caribbean particularly has experienced less back-to-back dry yearss while heavy rainfall events are going more frequent ( 50 ) . These alterations are projected merely to acquire worse. The strength and frequence of cyclnes and tropical storms is besides expected to increase. Since 1970 the strength and continuance of storms has increased taking to a greater figure making category 4 and 5 ( 51 ) .


Despite being to a great extent reliant on fossil-fuel based energy, in comparing to developed and other developing provinces SIDS use a comparatively modest sum of fossil fuels. Consequentially their nursery gas emanations remain low, accounting for less than 1 % of planetary emanations ( Table. 1 ) . Furthermore, the one-year emanations from the Pacific islands is.96 metric tons of C dioxide per capita, comparing to merely 25 % of the world-wide mean per individual. SIDS therefore keep minimum duty for the current clime alteration, yet in a sad sarcasm they are likely to be the most badly wedged.

Table 1. Entire Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2003 – Selected Countries ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )

Already susceptible to nutrient and H2O security and human wellness, clime alteration is likely to worsen such socio-economic issues.

Water Resources

Poor H2O quality and H2O emphasis is common in SIDS. High rainfall and drouth periods associated with El Nino episodes significantly impact H2O security of little islands, while factors such as limited size, geology and topography make their H2O resources particularly sensitive fluctuations in clime. Inadequate substructure such as dikes, reservoirs and H2O distribution webs cause farther issues for H2O security in many SIDS.

Small island states frequently show a strong dependance on rainfall. Tuvalu and several other states in the Pacific rely on rainwater as their chief fresh water beginning ; Dominica, in the Caribbean and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, show about complete dependance on surface H2O from watercourses ; while many low-lying coral islands and raised atolls are forced to trust on groundwater due to insubstantial fresh water lenses. Reduced rainfall, a likely effect of clime alteration, constrains the sum of physically harvestable H2O, reduced river flow and slowed recharge of fresh water lenses. Hence the ability to run into agricultural and domestic H2O demands is badly compromised. Low-lying rise and implosion therapy can besides take to saltwater invasion and siltation of fresh water systems. Extreme conditions events can besides increase H2O pollution with serious deductions for human wellness and the incidence of water-borne diseases.

Furthermore, a deficiency of equal H2O substructure such as dikes and reservoirs, consequences in high overflow during the showery seasons and eventful losingss of surface and watercourse H2O to the sea.

Coastal zones

Coastal countries of little islands are by and large the site for major colonies and the Centre of economic activity. In the Caribbean more than half the population lives within 1.5km of the shoreline, while islands of the Pacific and Indian Ocean, by and large set up their small towns on the sand patio or on the beach itself. Communities and critical substructure such as schools, electricity coevals workss, fuel storage installations, constabulary Stationss and infirmaries are hence in direct hazard of lifting sea-levels and utmost conditions events. In the instance of a catastrophe populations are thereby left without basic societal services.

Rising sea-levels lead to coastal eroding and in some instances flood, while physical harm from hurricanes and cyclones besides threaten critical coastal assets and human lives of little islands. From 1950 to 2004 76 % of the reported catastrophes in the Pacific island part was cyclones with the mean cost per cyclone estimated at US $ 75.7 million ( in 2004 value ) , while the 2004 hurricane season entirely caused harm of around US $ 2.2 billion in merely four states – the, Grenada, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.

Biodiversity and Tourism

Geographic isolation has allowed the formation of many alone species, doing these islands home to a important proportion of the universe ‘s biodiversity. However, human activity is presenting serious menaces to the natural ecosystems of SIDS.

Extensive deforestation has occurred for infrastructural development and agribusiness, with more than one one-fourth of the little island provinces showing greatly reduced forest screen. Tellurian and marine ecosystems are besides sing increasing debasement and pollution and overuse. Coral screen has declined by up to 80 % over the last 3 old ages in reefs of the Caribbean, with pollution, deposit and over-fishing has been determined to be mostly responsible. Climate Change will hold farther effects for biodiversity and the wellness of natural ecosystems. Apart from the originating environmental concerns, resulting societal and economic issues besides follow due to compromised environmental services.

Physical harm from more frequent and intense natural catastrophes nowadayss terrible deductions for Marine and tellurian biodiversity. Low-lying rise and associated implosion therapy can take to salinisation of dirts and inauspicious effects to mangrove woods. Rises in ocean surface temperature and C dioxide concentration farther threaten coral reefs, taking to coral bleaching events and reduced calcification rates. Based on projected CO2 degrees, it has been suggested that the calcification rate of corals could diminish by about 14 per centum to 30 per centum by 2050 ( 57 ) . Coral reefs play an of import function for little islands, supplying cardinal baby’s rooms for fish species, protection of the beach and touristry chances.

Many SIDS rely on one or few economic activities, with touristry and travel normally accounting for more than 25 % of Gross Domestic Profit ( GDP ) and in some instances more than 50 % ( 12 ) . Natural catastrophes and debasement of ecosystems can badly impact this income coevals.

Changing weather- altering distribution of species

Agribusiness and piscaries

Agribusiness is extremely valued and depended upon in SIDS for both subsistence demands and economic development. Many islands nevertheless have limited cultivable land and premier agricultural parts are by and large located on the coastal fields. Climate alteration and associated low-lying rise therefore poses a important hazard of farther decrease of available farming land due to flood and salinisation. Extreme conditions events besides adversely impact nutrient harvests and other support resources. Cyclones, hurricanes and inundations can do irreparable harm while extended drouths and shortened turning seasons would besides cut down outputs. Such events have serious deductions for nutrient security while decreased exports of hard currency harvests compromises their foreign exchange net incomes and place in universe trade.

Climate alteration nevertheless is likely to impact changing grades of economic losingss among different island provinces. Viti Levu, a high island in Fiji, is estimated to hold the possible to digest costs in the scope of US $ 23 to 52 million per twelvemonth by 2050. The low island of Tarawa in Kiribati nevertheless faces one-year costs of US $ 8 to 16 million. These costs would stand for merely 2-3 % of Fiji ‘s GDP in 2002 and 17-18 % of Kiribati ‘s GDP for the same twelvemonth ( 58 ) .

Fisheries are besides a critical sector in many SIDS, lending up to 10 % of the GDP. The El Nino / La Nina rhythm already causes seeable fluctuations in tuna gimmicks, showing the sensitiveness of fish stocks to climate variableness. Climate alteration poses the hazard of exciting altered migration forms and the deepness of fish stock, impacting the distribution and handiness of fish species with socio-economic effects.

Human Health

Global heating may take to a assortment of associated human wellness issues. Direct menaces to human public assistance include hurts and human deaths from utmost conditions events such as inundations, hurricanes and landslides, while increased frequence and continuance of heat moving ridges can besides be expected to increase the hazard of heat emphasis, unwellness, and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, particularly amongst the aged.

A altering clime can besides hold indirect deduction on human wellness. Increasing temperatures and altering rainfall forms may take to an addition in H2O and vector-borne diseases. In 2008, there were 247 million instances of malaria worldwide and about one million deceases, largely among kids. Malaria is most normally caused by the parasites, carried by mosquitoes. Increasing temperatures and deluging events provide favorable environments for mosquitoes ; hence clime alteration is likely to spread out the spread of mosquito and the hazard of malaria contraction. Variation in precipitation and temperature will besides increase the prominence of dandy fever febrility, with such conditions forms attributable several instances in Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago during the period 1980-2000.

Storm rushs and deluging events besides heighten H2O pollution, taking to water-borne diseases such as cholera and the diarrheal diseases caused by beings such as giardia, salmonella and cryptosporidium. Furthermore, deceases in rainfall may take to cut down available fresh water for human usage and ingestion, increasing the hazard of disease. Secondary malnutrition may increase due to diminutions in H2O quality and lessenings in agricultural productiveness.


Due to the current accretion of C dioxide in the ambiance and with recommended emanation marks from the IPCC weakness to be met by major nursery gas emitters, the effects of Climate Change are ineluctable ( 61 ) . Coupled with the badness in which this is predicted to impact Small Island Developing States, it is imperative that adaptative action is taken for the endurance of these states.

A figure of version enterprises have been implemented by SIDS on a local graduated table, frequently in an ad hoc mode. For illustration, since Hurricane Ivan, it has become common pattern in Jamaica to put concrete blocks on the top of Zn roofs. Typhoon immune lodging has been implemented in the Philippines after Typhoon Sisang in 1987 ; and improved lodging design is besides apparent in Costa Rica and Equador, with elevated houses or a strengthened concrete strip as a foundation so that the bamboo walls do non touch the land and are protected from fungous impairment.

There are many avenues available to turn to H2O security issues. Promotion of drouth tolerant flora and constitution of river buffer zones enhances the resiliency of rivers and catchment countries. National H2O policies can be used to promote efficient H2O usage, recommending H2O salvaging devices, while alteration of constructing codifications can work to better H2O resource direction, by increasing chances for rainwater catchments and storage. The Cajete Terrace agro-systems of Mexico provide an advanced illustration of version steps to heighten H2O usage efficiency and enables nutrient to be sustainably grown on steep eroding prone slopes4. This works by extra H2O being fed from inclining patios into armored combat vehicles ( Cajetes ) . The H2O, which would otherwise non be absorbed into the dirt, is collected inside the cajetes and easy seeps into the environing dirts after the rain has ended. Eroded food rich dirt is besides trapped inside of the cajetes and subsequently gathered and distributed into the Fieldss. Adaptable farming systems has besides be achieved by African husbandmans through intercropping, variegation of herds and incomes, such as the debut of sheep in topographic point of goats4.

Climate Monitoring, Forecasting and Early Warning Systems can be an priceless tool to cut down the impacts of clime alteration. A National Community Based Flood Early Warning System has been established in the Philippines, leting anticipations and timely responses to possible storm events or deluging. With such equipment, outlooks with lead times of two to six months before the oncoming of an event may be possible6. Vector scattering chances could besides be monitored with such warning systems, leting chances for seting intercessions in topographic point, thereby forestalling inordinate unwellness and mortality during disease epidemics such as Malaria6. In footings of nutrient production, these systems enable better timed planting and harvest home, chance for informed determination of alternate cultivar or harvest usage, better planned nutrient storage harmonizing to future demand, and readying of alternate nutrient procurance schemes in advance1. This would intend more efficient usage of seeds, labor, and other family resources in farming and nutrient procurance. Such systems besides demonstrate the benefits of regional agreements pooling resources. Regional direction of early warning systems is much more effectual in heightening adaptative capacity than national direction.

Education and publicity of responsible environmental patterns is besides necessary, such as preparation of fishermen and adult females in sustainable fishing patterns and husbandmans in sustainable land usage patterns. Land usage programs and subsequent enforcement schemes can besides be utilised to accomplish less destructive environmental patterns such as cut downing deforestation. Mangrove and coral systems should be protected to keep their unity. This can be achieved through detering pollution and curtailing development in coastal countries. Controlled coastal development can besides understate exposure of people and belongings to coastal eroding and flood.

Resettlement plans have been applied in many provinces to changing grades. Frequent implosion therapy and eroding necessitated 100 villagers in Lateu Vanuatu to be moved 600m from the seashore to higher land, while Carteret Islanders are being relocated to neighboring Papua New Guinean island, Bougainville, in response to the inordinate impacts of sea-levels rise. Reconstruction of breakwaters, edifice sand dune fencings and beach renourishment ( seting of trees along the seashore ) has besides been used to protect the beach profile and extenuate the impact of coastal eroding on communities.

Building national and regional adaptative capacity and supplying farther options for version is an of import constituent of many SIDS adaptative plans. This involves beef uping establishments, policies and ordinances and associating adaptative schemes with sustainable development. Hence, many SIDS have identified investing into renewable and non-polluting energy systems as a precedence. This would non merely cut down clime alteration bring oning nursery gas emanations, but would advance long-run energy security.



The low emanation degrees of SIDS means their policy actions are chiefly focused on version. However, these states do non hold the capacity to to the full fund the needed version. The World Bank has estimated version in developing states to necessitate between US $ 10 billion and US $ 40 billion. Extra resources, including fundss and technological cognition, are hence required from the international community to ease SIDS in constructing their capacity to accommodate to a altering clime and develop sustainably.

Presently there is no particular fund which addresses the concerns of SIDS in relation to Climate Change. However planetary support beginnings are available to help with the costs associated with version. The Adaption Fund, the Global Environment Facility ( GEF ) and The Particular Climate Change Fund supply financial support for undertakings aimed at cut downing exposure while increasing adaptative capacities to the inauspicious effects of clime alteration. This is by and large achieved through engineering transportation, economic variegation, investings in non-polluting, efficient and renewable energy and sustainable development with respects to energy, conveyance, industry, agribusiness, forestry and waste direction. For SIDS besides considered to be LDCs, the Least Developed Countries Fund, established under the UNFCCC is besides available with associated National Adaption Programs of Action. These plans of action combine sustainable development and adaptation aims, concentrating on ‘water resources, nutrient security and agribusiness, catastrophe readiness and hazard direction, coastal zone direction and substructure, natural resources direction and community degree version ‘ .

Some version plans are targeted at multiple states ( For illustration, the GEF-UNDP undertaking “ Piloting Climate Change Adaptation to Protect Human Health ” and the GEF-World Bank undertaking on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in the Caribbean part ) , while others are more specific in their application vicinity. In put to deathing such adaptation plans, it is indispensable the international intercession is sensitive to the local contexts and demand of the mark island state/s. Undertakings should finally take to heighten national and part capacity for long-run sustainability and resiliency in the face of clime alteration. Dependence on external aid must be carefully avoided as with execution of nescient hence potentially harmful schemes.

Valuing traditional cognition is a critical agency of maximizing the possible long-run benefits of undertakings and guaranting their suitableness. For illustration, to help nutrient security despite fickle rainfall and cyclones husbandmans of Timor Island have developed their ain assortments of major staple harvests. Peru husbandmans provide another illustration, utilizing an ancient irrigation run outing system ‘waru waru ‘ , or raised field agribusiness, which makes it possible to convey into production the low-lying, flood-prone, ill drained lands. The shallow canals provide wet during drouths, drainage during the rainy season and besides buffer against night-time hoars. The Zai technique in Burkina Faso besides provides an illustration of a cost-efficient version step to heighten productivity4. Farmers dig cavities in the dirt to roll up organic stuff carried by the air current during the dry season, at the start of the rainy season husbandmans add organic affair from animate beings which attracts termite activity ensuing in white ant tunnels that can roll up rain deep plenty that it does n’t vaporize, and therefore increasing dirt birthrate. Integrating local cognition and patterns into enterprises non merely makes communities more likely to follow adaptative schemes but they besides have a greater opportunity of success due to being contextually appropriate.

To guarantee benefit maximization, enterprises should be applied on a community degree. Local stakeholders and community members should be involved in all phases of the undertaking to guarantee all of their thoughts and concerns are incorporated into the design and execution. Local engagement will besides heighten capacity edifice and autonomy of mark communities. Positive illustrations of this happening include in Bangledesh where voluntaries have been trained to assist in cyclone warning, emptying, deliverance, first assistance exigency alleviation and the usage of wireless communicating equipment4. The Caribbean Climate Change Centre was besides established through the Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change undertaking, leting climate alteration concerns to be addressed locally.

Despite the attempts of such undertakings farther progresss in version capacity and engineering transportation is still required. For full realisation of benefits, clime alteration version must be addressed in concurrence with developmental activities. Disaster readiness, land-use planning, environmental preservation, coastal planning, and national programs for sustainable development complement the aims of heightening adaptative capacity. Hence this relationship should be reflected through relevant policies.


Climate Change poses disproportional impacts across the Earth. While their nursery gas emanations are undistinguished compared to other states, the future viability or even survival of many Small Island Developing States is badly threatened.

High degree emitters, particularly developed states such as Australia, hence have a duty to cut down their part to Climate Change. Lobbying for such action is disputing for SIDS due to their international representation. SIDS are members of the negotiating alliance of developing states, Group of 77 and China ( G77/China ) . Unfortunately, some of the largest nursery gas emitters among developing states are besides members. Hence these states present reluctance to cut down GHG emanations because of their development aims. Further troubles arise with members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) besides being G77/China components. Short-run economic motives of such states would discourage them from cutting nursery gas emanations, under the justification of ‘common but differentiated duties ‘ . Continuing emanations from these big developing states straight threatens the viability of SIDS and compromises their power in bring downing necessary alteration among high breathing developed states. This discrepancy between developing state negociating spouses hence must be overcome, to protect the being of Small Island Developing States.


The effects of Climate Change continue to augment with historic nursery emanations showing now ineluctable effects and action to extenuate inordinate planetary emanations turn outing inadequate. In comparing to developed and other developing states, the 51 Small Island Developing States contribute minimally to planetary nursery emanations, yet incongruously it is these states that are projected to see the greatest hardship from ensuing alterations in clime. These states already endure H2O and nutrient security and human wellness issues, with features such as farness, limited resources and little physical size and population compromising their development, particularly in a sustainable sense. Hence, these states have a low adaptative capacity with instability in climatic events merely traveling further their socio-economic issues and in some instances, the continued being of such island provinces is earnestly under menace.

Given their limited resources for action, Small Island Developing States require aid from the international community in footings of both Climate alteration extenuation and adaptation. With their low emanation, SIDS have low extenuation potency. Hence, high nursery gas emitters must take duty to better their environmentally risky patterns for the planetary good. Financial and proficient support can besides be provided by developed states to heighten the adaptative capacity and overall resiliency of SIDS. Existing support plans and models should be extended and a specific fund for SIDS established ( similar to the LDS fund ) , to accomplish the necessary but extortionate costs of version. Most significantly nevertheless, international intercession must be contextually sensitive and employ local engagement and cognition to guarantee legitimate capacity edifice, resiliency and autonomy of Small Island Developing States.


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