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Mabelle T. BelandresBS-BIO 1A BRYOPHYTES AND PTERIDOPHYTES ABSTRACT Bryophytes are nonvascular land plants, small, herbaceous plants that grow closely packed together in mats or cushions on rocks, soil, or as epiphytes on the trunks and leaves of forest trees. Pteridophtyes are a phylum of plants. They are the vascular plants that reproduce by releasing spores rather than seeds, and they include the highly diverse true ferns and other graceful, primarily forest-dwelling plants. INTRODUCTION

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There are three groups of Bryophytes the Mosses, Liverworts and Bryophtyes. Like the rest of the land plants, they evolved from green algal ancestors, closely related to the Charophytes. They are not considered to have given rise to the vascular plants but they probably were the earliest land plants. The Byrophtyeshave mutlicellular sex organs, example gametes are enclosed by a sterile jacket of cells . In this course, there are main groups of Pteridophytes. The ferns, clubmosses, spike mosses and horsetails. About 97% of living Pteridophytes are ferns.

In fact, there are probably about 12,000 species of ferns in the world, most of these found in the tropics. Unlike the fern allies which are a relic group, the ferns are highly successful and are virtually found in any habitat flowering plants are found. DISCUSSION The Bryophytes and Pteridophytes had different groups and classification the Bryophytes had Mosses,Liverworts,and Hornworts. And the Pteridophytes had the Ferns, Club mosses, Spike Mosses and Horsetails. The embryophytes are the most familiar group of plants. They include trees, lowers, ferns, mosses, and various other green land plants. All are complex multicellular eukaryotes with specialized reproductive organs…. Plants are Life organisms belonging to the Kingdom Plantae. They include familiar organisms such as trees, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, and green algae…. OBJECTIVE 1. To be able to identify and described the characteristics of bryophytes. 2. To be able to identify the characteristics of the seedless vascular plants. 3. .Differentiate Bryophytes and seedless vascular plants structurally and functionally. . .Name the different anatomical structures of bryophytes and seedless vascular plants. 5. Described the different adaptations that enable bryophytes and seedless vascular plants to thrive in their respective habitats. MATERIALS AND METHOD Preserved specimens of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes, alcohol, distilled water, glass slides, cover slips, dissecting microscope, and microscope. Illustrate and label the parts. CONCLUSION The researcher concludes that the Bryophytes and pteridophytes have different groups.

And each of the groups has different characteristics. REFERENCE Retrieved from: Chinnock, R. J. & Henshall, T. S. 1981. Pteridophyta. In Jessop, J. P. (ed. ) Flora of Central Australia 6- 13. A. H. & A. W. Reed, Sydney. http://www. anbg. gov. au/fern/taxa/pteridophyte. html http://www. anbg. gov. au/fern/taxa/bryophytes. html Non-vascular plants is a general term for those plants without a vascular tissue . Although non-vascular plants lack these particular tissues, a number of non-vascular plants possess tissues specialized for internal transport of water….


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