Importance of Being on Time in the Military

The Merrill Mouthpiece EDITION THIRTY-NINE November, 2008 Jean Merrill-Doss, Editor Dear Family and Friends, Hope that you all thoroughly enjoyed the last lazy days of summer, and have settled into the cool, crisp, weather of fall. We traded baseball and softball games for football and soccer, and fall softball leagues, so we still have no rest around here! Our men and women’s basketball and volleyball seasons are in full swing at the college, so almost 5 or 6 nights a week, I get to watch somebody play some kind of “ball”! I guess that’s what keeps me going!

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Was able to have a nice visit in October with Allan and Dot Brennecke and Bill Brenecke in St. Louis. Aunt Marilyn and I took a road trip to see them and we hope that you all enjoy the many photos they shared for this edition, and some to go in the January edition. I have some excerpts from letters written by Ed Brennecek, Allan and Bill’ father, to their mother before they were married. Ed mentions Pete French several times in his letters from 1918 anyone have a few tales on Pete? I know he is related to Erma (Harding) Merrill on her mom’s side.

I can barely remember him as a kid, seems like the school we Merrill kids rode went by their house. With the economy on the blink, I am sure you are all staying home more these days, so I just know you have more time to drop me a note or two about your families and what they are all doing. I would love to hear from some of you about the things you remember growing up in Irondale- friends and family alike. It has been an interesting and precious adventure for me going through so many of our family albums, reading old letters, and hearing stories recounted of days gone by.

It was great to be able to go to the All School Reunion this fall, and we have included several photos in this edition that were published in the Independent Journal from Potosi. Everyone there seemed to have a great time reminiscing about the old days, and enjoying food and fellowship…and there was plenty of both. Take care, and I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas season. We have so much to be thankful for and we are, in many ways, so blessed. God Bless you all! Jeanie


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