Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview Essay

Due to the demands of an germinating wellness attention system and an accent in wellness and health. Master’s prepared nurses are in demand. What does a Master’s prepared nurse entails? Harmonizing to the American Association College of Nursing. Master’s prepared nurses obtain a higher degree of acquisition every bit good as cardinal competences and accomplishments. The ultimate end is to accomplish positive patient results ensuing in an overall improved wellness attention system. The intent of this paper is to supply penetration on a Master’s prepared nurse conducted through an interview. My interviewee has obtained an MSN in Informatics and is presently employed in the Informatics field as a Nurse Informaticist. Overview of Career

My interviewee started her calling way with an Associate’s grade in Nursing. As a new alumnus in nursing. her first occupation in nursing was in an ague attention puting on a telemetry unit. After two old ages as a staff nurse in telemetry she was promoted to bear down nurse and remained in this place for three old ages. She so decided to foster her instruction in nursing but still needed to work full clip. To her addition. her employer had late partnered up with a university offering online and traditional classs. Finally. the on-line fast path RN-BSN was her option of pick. It took her 18 months to obtain her BSN from the University of Phoenix. After finishing her BSN. expecting her was a publicity for a supervisor place on the telemetry unit. She accepted the place and remained in this positon for seven old ages. During that clip. she besides served in the function of interim director and was instrumental in planning and implementing the electronic wellness record. The electronic wellness record became her passion. She was one of the lead trainers and finally accepted a function as a full clip trainer within the infirmary. The place as a full clip trainer in the infirmary morphed into a place at the hospital’s corporate degree. She took on a new rubric as an analyst within the clinical information sciences section. Her passion grew more as the old ages went by. The following measure that followed was an advanced nursing grade. Graduate Education

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My interviewee obtained her Master’s in Informatics at the University of Phoenix in 2013. Transitioning into the Master’s plan was seamless since this school was where she obtained her BSN. The on-line path was most efficient and that is the path she pursued. The University of Phoenix Master of Science in nursing degree plan is accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education ( University of Phoenix. 2014 ) . The end of this plan is to fit nurses to map in leading functions in a assortment of scenes. Additionally. nursing theories and evidence-based patterns are cardinal guidelines in this plan that will assist determine the hereafter of nursing therefore impacting the wellness attention system ( University of Phoenix. 2014 ) . More specifically. the informatics plan afford pupils to derive cognition in informations direction and information engineering in respect to the wellness attention puting ( University of Phoenix. 2014 ) . Harmonizing to my interviewee. the Master’s alumnus plan as compared to the undergraduate plan was more ambitious but yet honoring. This was attributed to the fact that she had a strong passion for information sciences and wanted to obtain a higher degree of instruction. Present Position

As a Nurse Informaticist. the interviewee felt that she has been able to bridge the spread between Information Services and Nursing. One of the primary duties of an Informatics nurse is guaranting the electronic wellness record is easy to utilize and provides relevant information. Workflow analysis. appraisal of current and future technological demands are extra duties. Pearls of Wisdom

When prosecuting progressing one’s educational degree. clip exhausted researching and interviewing can turn out good. Furthermore. one has to be prepared mentally. physically. and frequently times financially. Planing and forming will minimise. if non extinguish barriers. I was impressed with the interviewee’s thrust toward ongoing acquisition. Determination speaks for a nurse beginning at the ADN degree. progressing to a BSN and finally
obtaining a MSN. Decision

Health attention as we know is transforming and the wellness attention work force has been taxed with fiting themselves therefore alining with the transmutation. Information engineering is of all time increasing and is impacting the manner wellness attention is delivered ( Cipriano and Murphy. 2011 ) . Prosecuting a master’s grade in nursing is a measure in the right way. One key competence that was identified in this interview and consistent with AACN is womb-to-tomb larning. My personal addition from this interview is utilizing finding and passion to assist steer one’s calling way.


American Association College of Nursing. ( n. d. ) . Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. aacn. nche. edu/education-resources/MasEssentials96. pdfCipriano. P. F. . & A ; Murphy. J. ( 2011 ) . Nursing Informatics. The Future of Nursing and Health IT: The Quality Elixir. Nursing Economics. 29 ( 5 ) . 286-282 University of Phoenix. ( 2014 ) . Master’s Science Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from University of Phoenix: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Phoenix. edu/programs/degree-programs/nursing-and-health-care/masters/msn-inf. hypertext markup language


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