7 Management Hats

1. What hats are to be worn by a manager? Managers should wear the 7 hats of management. These hats show their work in different perspectives. The following are the seven hats: . The Administration Hat – it’s an indirect workload. “Paperwork” is the best term to describe it. This is essential for running an effective organization. . The Direction Hat – it’s an indirect workload. The manager’s work on this perspective is to provide direction by coaching, teaching, working, innovating, promoting and being responsive to the needs of the organization and its people. The Leadership Hat – it’s an indirect workload. The manager in this perspective is the leader by being a builder, a guide, a provider, and a visionary to attain the goals of the organization. . The People Hat – it’s a direct workload. Managers’ work in this perspective is to understand the people around him. They need to have high understanding of human behavior. . The Action Hat – it’s a direct workload. This best describe some of the real work of managers. They delegate activities as they understand it and determine those cannot be delegated. . The High Anxiety Hat – it’s a direct workload.

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These are the challenging tasks of mangers that deal with serious problems that cannot be avoided. . The Business Hat – it’s a direct workload. Managers take on those management responsibilities. They need to take into consideration the impact that their decisions have on the organization.
2. How would you wear them? policies and procedures and certain requirements must be met.
3. How to wear them? 4. Why would you wear them? interfiling papers in alphabetical order. Answering phones, booking appointments, and having all the employees that are above you tell you what to do.



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